By Liz Marvin
It’s the third Saturday of the month and that means that at the Station Road Market it’s the turn of vintage and retro, or, as my housemate calls it, ‘that second hand stuff you keep bringing home’.
And to show off new vintage attire head to Upstairs at the Ritzy on Saturday night for ‘It’s a Swing Thing’ (NB, the dancing kind). If you’d like to finesse your moves in the dance lesson beforehand ask downstairs. It’s £4 for members and £6 for not, a bit more for the lesson too.
Despite its litany of awards for being a great live music venue Hootananny is being threatened by the local authorities prohibiting entry after 11pm. More here. So if you’re heading down on Saturday for Movimientos’ Latin American party please remember to get there a bit earlier. In fact, treat yourself to a taco for tea. There’s a video here that gives a flavour of the Movimientos vibe, while also reminding us why Hootananny is awesome. For what happens when large Brixton pubs shut down check out the Save George IV campaign.
Liz Marvin blogs at Brixtonia.com.
This is just what Brixton needs. More arty-farty middle class white people playing to the gallery and buying crap they don’t need.