A planning application has been submitted for a huge LED advertising board in central Brixton – and the deadline to object is today.
As Brixton Buzz reported, the application for the illuminated billboard across the upper floors of the Prince of Wales had largely gone unnoticed. On Sunday, the day before the deadline to comment, there was only one objection registered.
However, since then, a large number of comments from the public have been added. At the time of writing there were 154 – most of them objections.
According to the planning application “the development has the potential to enhance the visibility of both the building and Brixton centre as a whole.”
But those opposed the ten moving advertising boards say they do not fit with the character of Brixton and have no benefit for the community. Other complaints include the added light pollution, safety concerns and a number have pointed out that the building is locally listed and in a Conservation Area.
If you would like to have your say visit the Lambeth Planning website now or email planning@lambeth.gov.uk
what is the matter wirh you peolple who are objecting?. I really don’t see any issues with this at all. Surely This is progress and again much needed sign or recognition of such a diverse and ever changing area. This kind of technology will attract more tourism to the area which in turn means money being spent in the borough. The importance of such a successful area can not be overlooked when it the strongest income provider for the borough and one of the most important towns in the whole of Greater London.
I am all for progression, onward and upward and never looking back. I am working in the far east at the minute and what they have achieved in such a short amount of time is phenomenal. We definitely need to embrace changes quicker and move on.
My sentiments anyway.
Thanks Blog for the alert on this, I just made a STRONG objection and was the 585th commenter so good to see the objections flooding in.
Also yeah – it sucks that the massive Apple ad now covers up the Woolies building. How did that get through!?
The latest comment on the Lambeth website is apparently from the leaseholder of the building, saying they had not been notified and objecting. How were they not informed!?
The blurb in the planning application is all about enhancing Brixton, ha ha. It’s just a money spinner: That building could be really nicely/creatively lit and genuinely enhance the ambience of the corner – but not by covering it up with relentless advertising, thanks.
Please don’t do this. It will destroy the soul of Brixton (or help to)
This would be a terrible eye sore and would undermine the whole feel of Brixton- one that is very much loved!
Brixton ihas taken leaps forward in the last ten years. This would be a giant step back.
Money money money. Wht an eyesore
Please don’t do it, leave some spaces and some faces with an identity of their own,
Please don’t do it, leave a place in time free for our own minds to wonder… And make themselves up.
Please don’t stiffle Brixton by putting massive cooperate advertising boards up…. Leave it up to us.
This is awful we do not need this. There’s enough advertising in the world we do not need it in Brixton
This is horrendous. Nobody benefits from this in Brixton. How many people would think this is something we need in Brixton? I hope it gets rejected.
i wrote to the council when they had the plastic sign which covered the top part of the building. THIS IS A GRADE 2 LISTED BUILDING AS IS THE ONE WITH THE GIANT APPLE AD ON H&M. HAVE WE ALL GONE MAD???? is it OK to do this on a grade 2 listed building? English Heritage ???? so much light pollution. it makes me so sad.