Lambeth town hall saw a massive victory for local residents last night, as councillors turned down an application for a strip club at Max 2, on Brixton Road.
The move, by the licensing sub-committee, signals an end to six years of problems for many neighbours of the venue, which had been operating under older sexual entertainment legislation.
The decision came as the clock struck midnight, after impassioned representations from residents and lawyers from both sides putting strong legal arguments for and against.
Cllr Jack Hopkins, member for Oval and also cabinet member for community safety spoke eloquently against the application on the grounds of women’s safety.
Speaking after the five-hour meeting, he told the Blog: “This is a fantastic victory for people power, and is in line with protecting girls and women against violence.
“This sets out a stand that people can be in control of their local area.”
Max 2, at 62A Brixton Road, is owned by Eduardo Gomes, who spoke through his son as an interpreter. It has been operating as a lap dancing club for six years. The lap dancing club was forced to apply for a fresh license by new laws designed to give local people, and the council, more power in determining the fate of sex entertainment venues.
Mr Lopes, lawyer for Mr Gomes, told the meeting that Max 2 had been operating as a lap dancing club “under the radar” for six years and posed no threat to local residents.
He said: “I understand the fear of residents, but we are modest and self-contained. We know our customers and we go hard on problem individuals.”
The application was to provide sex shows and an adult cinema from 9pm until 4am Thursday to Saturday and until 2am on Wednesdays.
Those who live in the area painted a picture of unrecorded complaints against the venue, and of “thumping noise” late at night.
Addressing the meeting, resident Lily Ryan-Collins said: “When I come home after dark I walk past Max 2 and there are people coming in and out. I get stared at as I walk by and it is very intimidating. Others have described similar experiences.”
She added: “The character of the area changed when it [Max 2] got its license in 2006.”
The application was met with 160 letters of objection from local residents.
Cllr Hopkins also made an impassioned plea to the panel of three councillors, chaired by cllr Leanne Targett-Parker.
He said: “This isn’t Soho, we have schools, families and youth clubs just down the road. This sex entertainment venue is attracting the wrong kind of person.”
Crucially, the residents were also supported by lawyer Jon Payne, provided on a pro bono basis by the Christian Legal Centre
. Mr Payne argued that in fact the area was heavily residential, and the new legislation had been designed so that local people and councils can have more of a say over sex venues in their neighbourhoods.
A tired public gallery waited anxiously as the committee deliberated in private at the end of a five hour meeting. Due to the late hour of proceedings, cllr Targett-Parker refused to give reasons for the refusal when she announced it, but said they would be forwarded to the applicant over Christmas.
After the meeting Mr Gomes said simply through his lawyer: “We are naturally disappointed by this outcome.” He refused to say whether or not they would appeal the decision.
See the application here.
– Wife hassled by drunk Max 2 customers outside late at night on her return from work.
– Drunk driver customer from Max 2 reversed into my car, my neighbours car and rote off his neighbours mini.
– Max 2 customers periodically fighting and pissing on the front doorways of my elderly neighbours as they leave after 3 in the morning.
– Caught Max 2 customer pissing on my front wall and one crouching between the bins having a shit.
– Called the police after a violent confrontation between a drunk couple form Max 2 in a car.
– Broken glass, stench of piss all over pavement of Max 2 every weekend morning – not nice when you’ve got a push chair and young family.
That’s just on my watch and I live half way down the street.
And other posters say there’s research that says these licenses are revoked on moral grounds not social issues?!!
End of.
I live in the area and have been with my partner and she has been stared at by blokes as we have been past late at night, this place has attracted the most undesirable people into the street. I see they are trying to re open under a diifferent name but rest assured we are going to continue to watch this place and hope that a venue like this disappears from an area that doesn’t want the sleaze and degrading view of women. P.s I am not religious .
My review of the research is the initial findings were announced at the beginning of the month with the full report coming in march, There has also been studies of dancing by the sociology department of Leeds University which is easy to find via google, The picture the religious groups paint is to cover for their moral issues and wholly inaccurate as they use research that has been proven to be rubbish (sorry the most polite comment I could think of). The fact that a christian group provided a lawyer to help should show people that moral judgements are being made here.
If the club decides to challenge the council there is information on the stripping the illusion blog proving that clubs are not linked to crime and the lies spread by Object and co have no foundation in truth. Plus the latest research from Kent university shows that clubs are challenged on moral grounds which is against the current guidelines. Plenty of ammo to make a mess of the council stance.
Can u put up link for the research? I also notice that the “Christian legal centre” also opposes abortion and what it see as the growing influence of Islam in this country. See the link on Blog article.
Great work everyone. I’m sure they will appeal (there are £££ to be made, after all) so the fight isn’t over yet.
There’s a money trail to be followed for the prohibitionists too…
“Those who live in the area painted a picture of unrecorded complaints against the venue, and of “thumping noise” late at night. ”
I take it by unrecorded complaints they mean none were actually made in 6 years , if it gets taken over by an r and b club they will learn what “thumping noise” is !
Yes fuck off Gomes and take your perverted punters with you.
Can’t support your views using hard facts and reason? Don’t despair: you can always tread the well-worn path of smearing and demonising those you oppose…