Record Store Day – there’s more at Brixton Hill Studios

    Brixton Hill Studios' studio one
    Brixton Hill Studios’ studio one

    Brixton will be the place to be on Saturday 21 April – this year’s Record Store Day.

    Not only do we have one of the best collections of record shops anywhere, we will also have another Brixton Hill Studios Record Store Day event.

    The studios – at Unit 1, 126 Brixton Hill, SW2 1RS – will be hosting stalls, live music and top refreshments from 11am to 6pm.

    Record labels, bands and friends of the studio will be selling their back catalogue, merchandise and second-hand music equipment.


    Stalls by

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    Damnably Records

    Blang! Records

    Onomatopoeia Records

    The Damned’s Merch Shop

    Debbie Smith

    Zsa Zsa Sapien of Meatraffle


    Sally Young from Ut

    KJ Adams

    Dog of Man

    Kate Arnold (Fear of the Forest)

    Arch Garrison/NSRO

    The Alphabet Business Concern

    Phil Rambow

    The Display Team


    Brixton Hillbilly


    Refreshments will be from Brixton Hill coffee and sandwich vendors Stir Coffee with Chunky Buddha selling Asian-inspired culinary delights.


    Performing short acoustic sets in one of the studios will be



    Bad Parents

    Joe Buzfuz

    Kate Arnold (Fear of the Forest)

    Zsa Zsa Sapien from Meatraffle

    KJ Adams

    Gabi Garbutt

    Phil Rambow

    Arch Garrison

    More on Record Store Day in Brixton:

    Brixton prepares for Record Store Day

    Record Store Day – Follow in the Brixton footsteps of Bob Marley and Paul Simonon