Housing campaigners in Brixton have launched a petition against the looming eviction of vulnerable residents on the historic Loughborough Park Estate.
The Loughborough Park Estate is owned by the Guinness Trust which is a Housing Association, with charitable status, and operates in collaboration with the council.
The petition claims that residents facing eviction – many of whom are low-income families – won’t be able to afford the cost of private renting in the area.
The residents have lived in the Estate for ten years in some cases, and have children at local schools. Yet they feel subject to a ‘social cleansing’ policy as many of their homes are replaced with apartments sold at full market rates.
The Activists are asking the council to readdress the development of the Estate. Their petition – addressed to Simon Dow, of the Guinness Trust Housing Association and Lib Peck, Leader of Lambeth Council – includes the lines: “Stop the social cleansing of Brixton. Stop the evictions of tenants from Loughborough Park Estate.”
Another petition also up on the same website, change.org, represents the residents of a ‘housing co-op’ in Brixton facing eviction by the council after ’40 years’, in order for their homes to be redeveloped.
The Loughborough Park petition has reached just over half of its target number of signatures. You can find the petition here: and follow similar stories using #Brixtoneviction.
More on this story: “Thrown out all over the place”: residents of Guinness Trust speak
[…] of Loughborough Park have launched a petition against the eviction of vulnerable residents on the Guinness Trust […]