A lorry driver has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving after a pensioner was killed, apparently as she crossed the road, in Brixton today.
The woman was struck at about 11.35am in Stockwell Park Walk near to the back of Brixton Academy. She was pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor from the air ambulance.
The road, although briefly re-opened this afternoon, remains closed this evening as police carry out an investigation into the collision.
A police spokesperson said: “Police and London Ambulance Service attended where the 73-year-old female pedestrian was pronounced dead at the scene. The male lorry driver has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by careless driving.”
One eyewitness, who posted a picture of what he saw on Twitter as @Mr_Guwu, said he saw a woman being struck by a car and then a lorry, before the lorry stopped.
Gavin Springett saw the air ambulance land near the scene, at Stockwell Skate Park. He Tweeted: “Just another day in #Brixton air ambulance by work.”
A spokesperson for London Ambulance Service told Brixton Blog that it sent an ambulance, single responder and the helicopter to the scene. She added: “Sadly one person, a woman in her eighties, was pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor from the air ambulance.”
Road closures have led to heavy delays in the the area as rush hour approaches.
The fatal collision comes on a day that hundreds of police are stopping lorry drivers, cyclists and other road users to talk about road safety as part of Operation Safeway.
[…] Update: Lorry driver arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving […]