‘Believe – you don’t have to smoke no more’

Loughborough Junction resident Olivette Williamson is one of the figureheads for Stoptober –a campaign that encourages smokers to make a quit attempt for the month of October.

The idea is that if you can go 28 days smoke free, you are five times more likely to quit for good.

A cancer survivor and former smoker, Olivette grew up in Jamaica. By the time she moved to London aged 11 she had already tried cigarettes.

“When our dad used to smoke and put down his cigarette, we used to run behind and go take a pop. I know it’s bad but that’s how we started smoking,” says Olivette.

By 18, she was addicted and smoked for the next 47 years.

“I used to smoke about 10 a day – one after dinner, when I had a drink – it was part of my life.”

Then Olivette noticed that breathing was becoming more difficult – “When I used to go outside I can’t breathe, when I leave the house I can’t breathe.”

She was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) caused by smoking.

Unfortunately, Olivette was also diagnosed with lung cancer.

“I realised that I now had two problems – my breathing and cancer,” she says. “I decided to give up smoking completely for my health. I put myself to the test – am I strong enough, have I got the will, have I got the power?”

Olivette rose to the challenge and is now smoke-free. Most importantly she is finding it easier to breathe.

And she’s urging others to quit smoking before it impacts their health.

“If I give any advice to anyone who wants to give up smoking, all you can do is try. You can do no more than try and just believe in yourself.

“Like how you believe you’re going to smoke it, believe you don’t have to smoke it no more.”

Tracy Parr, programme director for London Tobacco Alliance and Stop Smoking London says: “Free help is available for anyone in London who wants to stop smoking. You are three times more likely to quit smoking for good when combining expert support with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) so it’s important to get both in place and have a plan.

“Stoptober is a good time to make a quit attempt as there are lots of other people doing the same.

“The Stop Smoking London website provides tips and advice from other Londoners sharing their quitting stories and expert guidance from healthcare professionals to help you achieve your goal of becoming smoke free.”



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