Windrush celebrations in pictures

Man holds medal aloft
Clovis Salmon, with Friends of Windrush Square chair Ros Griffiths, displays his OBE

Two events celebrated Windrush Day in the Brixton Square named after the ship that docked in London in 1948 with many passengers from the Caribbean.

On Saturday the Brixton Project staged an afternoon of recollection, storytelling and improvised drama around the recollections of members of the first Windrush Generation and their descendants.

On Sunday the second annual Big Caribbean Lunch organised by Friends of Windrush Square and Lambeth council once again saw celebration and an exchange of memories as 100 members of the first Windrush Generation ate lunch, talked and danced.

They also heard moving testimonies – including one from Railton Road’s Sam the Wheels – now Clovis Constantine Salmon OBE to you, after he was awarded an OBE in the King’s New Year Honours last December.

There was also poetry from Nairobi Thompson and addresses from the Rev Michael King, Patrick Vernon and local parliamentary candidates Bell Ribeiro-Addy and Helen Hayes.

Look out for a fuller report of both events in the next Brixton Bugle – due out on 18 July – and video on YouTube.

mobile screen on van
man dances in public
people dancing in public
people eating at open air event
woman dancing at open air event
woman speaking with mic
Bell Ribeiro-Addy
woman speaking with mic
Helen Hayes
people watch open air film screening
A mobile screen was used to show a short video documentary about the remarkable life of 98-year-old Clovis Salmon
people dancing
pepo[le queuing for lunch
man cooking jerk chicken
aerial view of event
people sitting at open air event
Listening to the testimony of Windrush descendants (l-r) The Rev Michael King, son of Windrush passenger Sam King, the first Black mayor of Southwark; Patrick Vernon, Windrush campaigner, cultural historian and social commentator; Glenda Caesar, Windrush campaigner and herself a victim of the Windrush scandal; Dawn Hill CBE, management consultant, former nurse and first chair of the board at Brixton’s Black Cultural Archives
woman wearing Windrush campaign t-shirt
woman reading poetry at open air event
Nairobi Thompson reads her poetry
portrait of man
Dudley Williams, 98, who served in the RAF in the Second World War, spoke
woman at open air event
people at an open air event
woman dancing
open air event
The Brixton Bugle was a community partner for the event
dance troupe performs in the open air
Dancers in front of the Brixton Project’s replica Windrush
woman with mic talks to man
Rosie Powell tells Tony Cealy how her father slept in snow on Coventry station when he arrived in Britain before an improvised performance dramatised his story
improvised open air drama performance
Paving stone with the words: SS Windrush