Brixton Radio appeals for future

DJ at work
Brixton Radio DJ Limi lean performing at Morleys in Brixton

Brixton Radio has launched a £50,000 crowdfunding appeal to save its future.

It launched the appeal on Instagram, saying the current economic crisis has hiked operational costs to crisis levels

“We’re trying everything we can to keep the dream alive and the community thriving,” Brixton Radio said. “But it might all disappear. If anyone wants to donate to us, it will really go a long way, keeping the fire burning for us to recover.

“We hope to be around for years to come, supporting artists and this community we’ve built. We’re also available to speak with potential collaborators brands and investors.”

Brixton Radio grew out of lockdown, founded by Brixton DJ Mr Ben, and is as online station broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It grew into a community of hundreds of DJs, broadcasting and also hosting regular events at venues including Brixton Jamm, Tola in Peckham and the Amersham Arms in New Cross.

Visit the JustGiving crowdfunder

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Reprezent Radio, based in Pop Brixton, also launched an appeal to keep itself open. It had raised more than £60,000 of a £100,000 stretch target shortly before the appeal was due to close.