Over-70s can now book a Covid jab

Rules about the way Londoners over 70 can get a Covid vaccination have been changed, allowing them to request one rather than having to wait to be notified.

NHS England’s London region said the change has been made to ensure anyone over the age of 70 can get their first Covid vaccination as soon as possible. 

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Any London resident over the age of 70 who has not yet had a first Covid vaccination can now book online – or call 119, or they can contact their GP practice directly. An invitation letter is no longer required.

GP practices should be sending text messages to patients to explain this.

The national service allows people to book an appointment at a vaccination centre or community pharmacy, but not at a GP practice. 

If going to a GP practice is the preference, people should contact their GP directly.

The NHS London region said it is continuing to follow official advice and vaccinating people most at risk first.

There are now more than 200 sites across London providing the vaccination and more are going live all the time.