Chocolate for homework

child with chocolate barBrixton’s Chocolate Museum is launching a range of new, free resources and activities for parents and carers who are looking for stimulating and fun children’s activities.

As well as being the only museum dedicated to chocolate in London, the museum usually provides a range of chocolate education workshops – primarily to school pupils, both on its site and in schools – but also to anyone who wants to learn about chocolate.

The new programme has been developed to support children who are staying at home and, says the museum, will enchant children of all ages, parents and care-givers, while they learn and have fun.

The A to Z Chocolate History Challenge

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consists of 26 weeks of activities following the history of chocolate.

Each week, children will have the opportunity to learn about a new topic and a linked word from A-Z Chocolate vocabulary.

chocolate museum flyerFrom 4 May, on Mondays and Thursdays, the activities will be available on the museum website. Week 1 will feature the Olmec and the Mayan civilisations and the letter A (for Aztecs).

They are aimed at children aged seven and above (younger children con join in with some help) who are encouraged to attempt as many activities as they can, and keep their work in a folder so they can look back on it.

Parents will be able to share their children’s work in the museum’s online gallery and social media feeds – becoming part of “a wide community of chocolate-lovers learning together”.