Ritzy cinema staff will be joined on strike on Saturday (11 February) by workers at three other Picturehouse cinemas – Hackney, Picturehouse Central and Crouch End. Organisers say the campaign for the London Living Wage is now the biggest cinema workers’ campaign in UK history.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has written to the CEO of Cineworld
urging him to negotiate with representatives from the BECTU sector of the Prospect trade union.
Organisers say that “on the weekend when the British Film Industry recognises, values, and awards the great talent at the top of the industry at the BAFTAs, the workers who run the cinemas that show and celebrate these films will also be standing up to be valued”.
says that Picturehouse, owned by Cineworld, has refused to negotiate with its workers over their claim for the London Living Wage, sick pay and maternity/paternity pay for all, fair pay rises for different roles, and union recognition.
Kiv Legate, worker at the Ritzy, said: “The fact that Sadiq Khan has come out in support of our campaign is exemplary of the widespread support we receive in our push for a living wage. It is ridiculous that a company that turns over as much profit as Cineworld doesn’t see it necessary to treat their workers ethically and value us as people trying to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world.
For more information email | Facebook | Twitter: @RitzyLivingWage
I don’t work for Ritzy but if you want my support you have it! I’ll stand with you