Brixton Splash 2015: sunshine and crowds come out for tenth anniversary – pictures

brixton splash
All pictures: Hollin Jones

The crowds were out in force this year as Brixton Splash celebrated its tenth anniversary.

Thousands turned up to the street festival, enjoying plenty of food, music and community atmosphere.

Splash has been growing every year since it began in 2005.

brixton splash

This year revellers enjoyed four sound systems, live music performances, an arts and family village and more food stalls than ever before.

Check out these great pictures from Hollin Jones

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brixton splash

brixton splash

brixton splash

brixton splash

brixton splash

brixton splash

brixton splash




  1. Glad everyone had a good time. What a pity people didn’t take their rubbish home with them. Never seen such smelly disgusting rubbish as I did on Monday morning. Disgraceful.

  2. There were a certainly a lot more people there this year compared to last year. Great event though. Organisers (with support from Lambeth Council) might need to consider bringing in more sound systems and, dare I say it, blocking off more roads temporarily and spreading the event out. Attendance numbers are likely to be higher next year.

  3. Yes, Splash is getting bigger and bigger. I have been for the last 5 years and yesterday’s attendance was way higher than any before. Not wanting to be party-pooper in any way, but just because there are increasingly large crowds, only set to get bigger I imagine, I think we need some of Entry/Exit one-way barriered paths around the sound systems. Trying to get home we got stuck at the sound system at Atlantic Road/Brixton Station. Just the concentration of people made it hard to move. I found it quite scary. With any sort of panic it would be horrific.

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