Potent Whisper and Lara Lee release song ‘Brixton First’

Brixton rapper and activist Potent Whisper has joined up with Lara Lee, singer and star of The Voice, to release a song in opposition to the rapid gentrification in Brixton.”We built this town, we ain’t moving out”, raps Potent. “We’re gonna take London back, this is just the beginning, we’re taking Brixton first.”

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The music video for ‘Brixton First’ was filmed at Reclaim Brixton last weekend. Potent Whisper said: “The song Brixton First explicitly addresses the huge numbers of ongoing evictions, tripled rent prices and Lambeth Council’s failure to act in the interest of the people it claims to represent. However, perhaps more importantly, the song highlights that these are issues we face not only in Brixton but in London as a whole. The song is a call for direct action across the capital, starting with Brixton”

Potent’s arts campaign Our Brixton will be releasing more arts pieces in the coming weeks and months in protest again gentrification in Brixton.

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