Brixton Beers. Part Three – The Windmill’s Roof Dog Beer

In part three of our Brixton beer mini-series, we invite you to lap up The Windmill’s “Roof Dog Beer”.

Windmill Roof dog beerI know. We don’t usually associate the 1980s with the word organic. But that’s when the Pitfield’s Artisan Organic brewery began, in eighty-two. They have put together a special ale not for a pub as such, but on behalf of a dog of the same name.

If you haven’t heard of Roof Dog, then the indie music scene might not be your thing. This well-known canine is the mascot of the Windmill, Brixton’s reputable music venue-come-pub. And that’s the only place you can get hold if it.

This 4.5% gig beer is as pale as same of the punters that come rolling out in the early hours, and comes on draft and in bottles. And, as some fun advertising points out, it uses pale malted barley and added German hops (for that extra bite!)

Why Pitfield Brewery? Well, it was a Windmill regular that suggested it – he works at the brewery and came up with the idea (perhaps spurred on by the slightly uninspiring Pedigree Ale (and nope, not another dog joke) that preceded it.

Where can you buy it? The Windmill, of course.

Meet your other locally brewed beers here.


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