The New Venus: The New Woman event at Brixton East next weekend

The New VenusWow Brixton East is certainly providing us with some great events at the moment. After this weekend’s A Different Mirror, next weekend sees the venue hosting The New Woman on Saturday 3rd May –  an event exploring the expression, strength, power and emotion of womanhood today from 2pm-2am.

Through storytelling, music and art women from all walks of life will be celebrated and the experiences of being a woman brought together. The event has been put together by Starving Arts, a local collective, committed to providing multidisciplinary creative events with big ideas behind them.

Starving Arts will be showcasing over 40 artists during the events including musicians, poets, dancers, singers, storytellers, DJ’s, live bands and visual artists together and features Belinda Zhawi (video below), Sara Hirsch, Andrea Phillips, Kay Davis, Morganico, Thieu, Barka, Eli Domoney (embroidery right), Amy love, Lauren Goodsmith, Harah Deavall and many more.

In the afternoon there will be  workshops from women’s organisations, talks from Ishapebeauty, Making Herstory, presentation’s on DIY beauty products from Cel&Keta and Djying. Upstairs we welcome women in capoeira through talks, workshops, and interactive performances.  In the evening this makes way for live art and performance, music and poetry, finishing with an after party with female DJ. Throughout the event there will be cocktails and fresh juice available from the ‘New Venus Bar’.

Tickets £6 in advance on Eventbrite and £8 on the door. If you book your tickets in advance don’t forget to print them off and bring them with you on the day.

Find out more about The New Woman on Tumblr and check out more updates on the event on Facebook 



  1. Lets hope all the ‘new men’ (respectful) come along and meet all these ‘new woman'(respectfully), sounds like an interesting and eventful day 🙂

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