The Prudential Ride event will start at the Olympic Park Velodrome, and will see prospective cyclists ride through the idyllic Surrey Countryside.
Cycling enthusiasts of all abilities are invited to take part, and the event is expected to last for eight hours.
St Michaels Fellowship Director Sue Pettigrew said:”As a charity we’re relying more and more on voluntary funds to enable us to continue our work. Our work is principally with young families, supporting them and their children is at the centre of what we do.
“It would be brilliant if people could jump on their bikes and get their friends to sponsor them for this really good cause to support Lambeth families. We need your help.”
St Michael’s fellowship hopes to raise around £600 from the event, with the proceeds going towards helping young teenage families.
The event will take place on Sunday August 10, and the closing date for entries is Wednesday April 30.
All entrants must be 18 or over.
For more information call 0208-835-9570 or e-mail admin@stmichaelsfellowship.org.uk.