By Rahima Fitzwilliam-Hall
A small park in Loughborough Junction will be given a new lease of life this year, as home to an environmental education and nature conservation project.
The project at Elam Street Open Space will be getting the community involved in the development of the site through fun and practical activities like Wildflower meadow creation, plant ID workshops, hedgerow laying and general site improvements.
Brixton based not-for-profit, One Planet Ventures, have been awarded funds to deliver the project which they say will ensure the park’s development as a well used recreational and learning space while enhancing it’s importance as a wildlife site as well as improving access, structures and signage.

John Cannel, the project manager, explained: “If we focus on wild food, we’re increasing the variety of plantlife on the site, improving the biodiversity, while providing something educational, interesting and edible.”
The site will also be used to hold ‘Forest School’ sessions with free fun outdoor and environmental sessions for children like fire building, outdoor cooking and bug hotel building.
The project will be partnering up with Lambeth Council and other local projects including Loughborough Junction Farm, Brixton Remakery and Invisible Food to deliver the activities, which will be free and open to the public with an emphasis on families with young children.
Activities will take place every weekend starting from early Feb and running through to June.
Check out the project’s blog for session times and dates.