GUEST POST: ‘And we dove in and saw the future’ – Poeticat’s upcoming gig

Catherine Martindale of local band Poeticat lets us know what’s in store for their next Windmill residency gig on 28th December.


Hello fellow Brixton peeps.

Poeticat have been busy planning and booking for our fourth residency at The Windmill and it’s gonna be a jam-packed line-up of local bands, artists and poets with Naughty Neville and Dangerous Dave as our local comperes.

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So, in no order of importance, here’s what we’ve got lined up for you on 28th December.

The night kicks off at 7:30 sharp with Nichol Keene and Toby de Angeli, a poetic duo with harmonica. Both members of the writing collective Elephant, Nichol and Toby collaborate a lot. Brought up on takeaway pizza, nineties hip hop and weird folk they’re like Sharky and George but on land with microphones, Earl Grey and good biscuits.

Nichol & Toby
Nichol & Toby

Followed by Any O’Neill and his band who play aggressive Indie Polk with a hint of gypsy vibe. Expect bubbles, cider-guns and percussionists wandering through the audience, amongst other treats.

Next up we have Brixton locals Coco Lola bringing you a sparkling low-calorie electro-gypsy ensemble with vegetable extracts. Best served ice hot.

Then our featured poet Joolz Sparkes will bring you lexical wonders. Joolz  is a confirmed London-obsessive, and writes from the heart. She’s been shortlisted for The Bridport Poetry Prize, published in South Bank Poetry magazine and the Loose Muse anthology, and is working on her first collection.

Any O'Neill
Any O’Neill

We are then very honoured to share our stage with Brent Newman and The Broken Arrows, who have been causing a lot of hype on the Brixton music scene. Born in the Great Plains, raised in the Great Lakes, living in Great Britain, ex-Koreans singer Brent and his band rumble along nicely somewhere in between early Neil Young and Basement Tapes-era The Band. His current album “Before The Revolution” was recorded by Steve Albini.

Poeticat will headline our night for the first time with a couple of debut songs for you. With roots in Brixton and Lisbon we will be combining rock, spoken word and psychedelic music with a punk attitude.  We are a polygenic 5-piece giving birth to an attention-seeking bastard child of songs that could make you ask yourself “What is this?” The answer is a slap in the face to genre definition.

All rounded off with our residency DJs JuBu playing African and Latin grooves for you to dance the night away too!


In addition we have ‘ArtisLand‘ a  free comic/graphic novel screenprinting workshop in the shed where you get the tools to make your own comic run by Peckham-based Minesweeper Collective.

All this for £3!!!

Get away from the Christmas cheer and come make some art, do some headbanging, get sweaty and meet like-minded Brixton folk at The Windmill on Dec 28th at #PoeticatRes!


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