Norwood & Brixton Foodbank announced yesterday that over 10,000 have been fed since they opened 2 years ago.
The organisation, part of The Trussell Trust’s UK Foodbank Network, now gives out between 2-3 tonnes of food each month, feeding approximately 600 people.
It has been helped so far by Brixton Advice Centre, Centre 70, police and Lambeth Council, newspapers and many public places.
The biggest support has been given by ordinary people who donate food via supermarket collections, online shops or by bringing bags of shopping direct to the Foodbank. Over 90 per cent of food given out by foodbanks is donated directly by the public.
As well as providing emergency food, Trussell Trust foodbanks also signpost clients to other agencies able to help resolve the underlying cause of the crisis, as its model aims to help people break out of poverty rather than create dependency on a foodbank.
Reverend Ben Goodyear, vicar of St Paul’s Church, where Brixton Foodbank is located, said: “People come to us in tears. Only this week, a lady who had suffered from domestic violence came to us. We were able to offer hope in a difficult situation, by giving her 3 days of food.”
People in need can obtain vouchers to exchange for food from health professionals, social workers, teachers, faith leaders and other care professionals. Each voucher can be redeemed for at least three days food.
The Brixton Foodbank is open on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 1.30pm and Saturdays from 11am to 2pm.
Norwood Foodbank is located in St Luke’s Church, West Norwood, and open on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm and Fridays from 10am to 2pm.
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