PIC SPECIAL: Street party makes a splash in Leander Road

SPLASHING: Leander Road residents prepare for another soaking as waterbomb rain down on the street party. Picture by David Woods
SPLASHING: Leander Road residents prepare for another soaking as waterbomb rain down on the street party. Picture by David Woods

Residents on one Brixton street made the most of the magnificent weather on Saturday with their annual street party.

As talented bands from Leander Road played their music, waterbombs and a fire hose rained down to cool enthusiastic party goers of all ages.

The bash started at midday, when neighbours gathered in front of their houses to share food, drinks and a bit of community spirit.

LIVELY: Poeticat on the mainstage. Pic by Tim Dickens
LIVELY: Poeticat on the mainstage. Pic by Tim Dickens

One of the organisers, James Cornish, told the Blog: “It was wonderful to see so many neighbours getting involved and having lots of fun together.

“Holding this party and our other events has really pulled the street together. We all know ten times as many of our neighbours as we did only a couple of years ago.”

The party got a cooling visit from a fire engine based at Brixton fire station. Firefighters delighted children by soaking them with jets of water from a fire hose. Local MP Chuka MP also popped by on his tour of the days school fairs and street parties.

James added: “The weather was incredible, there were eight great bands, queues for the jerk and beer, water games for the kids and even tug of war. Roll on next year.”

leander 2
LIMBO: Pic by James Cornish
FIRE! Pic by David Woods

Pic by David Woods

leander rd 1
DANCING: Pic by James Cornish
leander 4
BOMBS AWAY: Pic David Woods
Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens


SPLASHING: Leander Road residents prepare for another soaking as waterbomb rain down on the street party. Picture by David Woods
SPLASHING: Leander Road residents prepare for another soaking as waterbomb rain down on the street party. Picture by David Woods
LIVELY: Poeticat on the mainstage. Pic by Tim Dickens
LIVELY: Poeticat on the mainstage. Pic by Tim Dickens
Ziad Kay. Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens
Pic by Tim Dickens
leander tim 1
Pic by Tim Dickens
leander water
Pic by David Woods
Pic by David Woods
leander water THIS
Pic by David Woods









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