A 35-year-old man has been arrested after the Audi he was driving ploughed into the Elm Park Tavern, Elm Park, following a police chase.
Police say the car was parked on Leander Road, Brixton, last night, when two officers approached it to speak to the two men inside. As they walked towards it they say one man ran out of the high-powered vehicle before it sped off towards Elm Park.
A police spokesperson said today: “Police followed the vehicle with lights and sirens but it failed to stop. The Audi mounted the pavement on Elm Park and struck a lamppost and a rubbish bin.”The driver was arrested for dangerous driving, failing to stop for police and suspicion of aggravated car theft. He was later arrested in custody for possession of cannabis.
Brixton Blog reader Simon Still posted this picture on Twitter at 9.30pm yesterday, saying: “End of police chase on Elm Park. Lucky [no one] was on the pavement.”
Andy Loughran took to social media site to say: “Nasty incident outside the elm park tavern at the bottom of [Leander Road]. Car on the pavement and into street light.”
Did you see what happened? Do you have pictures you can share? Email newdesk@brixtonblog.com.