VIDEO: New York gospel choir sends message of support to Nour Cash and Carry

The news that Nour Cash and Carry is fighting a massive 22 per cent rent hike, first read in Brixton Bugle, has led to widespread coverage on radio, television and in the Evening Standard.

It also sparked a community campaign and petition calling on InShops Ltd to back down from the crippling rent rise.

But now support comes from across the pond in the form of New York pastor Billy Talen and the Save Nour Cash Carry Gospel Choir. Just check this out.


  1. A recent response from Councilor Imogen Walker to queries about supporting / protecting Brixton Market:

    Thank you very much for your email. I am responding as the Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability with a responsibility for markets.

    Brixton’s market is famous around the world for the huge and diverse range of food, clothes, arts and crafts and we are determined to do everything within our power to protect the unique character of the market and to ensure that it remains at the heart of our community.

    We work very closely with the outdoor market traders to deal with any issues that do arise. Lambeth has no plans to raise the outdoor market pitch fees and we are working with the traders to build their capacity to help the long term sustainability of the market.

    As you are aware, the covered markets are privately owned so the Council has no direct responsibility. Geroud Markets is a subsidiary of Groupe Geroud an anglo/french company and the largest operator of LA markets in Europe. They acquired In Shops in 2004 to manage their markets. The traders are on a range of leases and terms and become vulnerable when up for renewal.

    Council officers met with traders before Christmas to discuss how they could be better organised in their dealings with In Shops and they are now working with a third party to represent them. Along with my colleague Councillor Meldrum, we are due to meet both the traders, to better understand their issues, and representatives of In Shops to understand their business model and to attempt to secure agreement on maintaining the character of the area. We hope that these discussions will help us to assist the traders further and support them in their work.

    With best wishes

    Cllr Imogen Walker
    Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability

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