A network of Lambeth residents and community groups is to meet this evening to discuss how they will react to changes in neighbourhood planning under new laws.
The Brixton Neighbourhood Forum has organised the borough-wide public meeting at 7pm at the Accord, Brixton Road.
Among guests will be representatives of the government Department for Communities and Local Government, the Prince’s Foundation and the Lambeth director of Planning and Regeneration.
According the the DCLG website, The Localism Act, which was approved last year “isn’t simply about giving power back to local government” but about a “radical shift of power” from the state to local communities.
It continues: “we will push power downwards and outwards to the lowest possible level, including individuals, neighbourhoods, professionals and communities as well as local councils and other local institutions.”
Brixton Neighbourhood Forum has been set up to take control of some of these functions originally carried out by central government or the council.