The weekend ahead in Brixton

Full English at Phoenix Restaurant

The sun has gone for now, but that’s no need to be depressed this weekend

Saturday 31 March

If you’d rather stay inside, head to The Ritzy for a stellar selection of films today. ‘Into the Abyss’, ‘Hunger Games’ (editor Tim Dickens loved this film) and ‘Tiny Furniture’ are all showing, plus you can catch ‘Drive’ again with the marvelous Ryan Gosling at 20.50 or 23.30. Check out our film round-up for more info.

Tonight, there’s psych 90s indie and pop from the band The Rest is Noise at Windmill Brixton, fittingly taking their name from the now defunct pub on Brixton Rd, about to reopen as a TK Maxx. And it’s the Red Bull Academy at plan B tonight, with Kerri Chandler performing in one room and young producer San Soda in another.

The Victoria line is closed this weekend, so if you want some outside time, keep south but head a bit out of Brixton for the West Norwood Slow Food Festival, for a day of cooking, workshops and food talks.

Sunday 1 April

We recommend a lazy Sunday. Depending on your hangover and the state of your bank account, head to Phoenix Restaurant for a proper greasy spoon fry-up or book in for more upmarket brunch at The Lido Cafe.

If the sun pops out at all, then try out the beer garden at Duke of Edinburgh

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or just stay inside the pub for a long afternoon drinking pints.

And then we’re going to stay in to watch Homeland, starring south London resident David Harewood.