The calendar might say winter, and your summer clothes may be languishing at the back of your wardrobe, but this is not enough to deter some brave souls: the Brockwell Lido Winter Swimmers.
Winter swimming is proving increasingly popular; last year even saw a book dedicated to this chilly hobby, and on Sunday February 8, the Brockwell Lido is organising its very first Cold Water Swimming Gala. The competition is from 11am-12am, and will include individual races, relays followed by a medal ceremony. There will also be a cake competition.

Entry is free for any spectators who want to come and cheer on the intrepid swimmers, or maybe be on hand to pass them a hot beverage once they emerge from the refreshingly chilly pool? For the swimmers, who will not be allowed wet suits, two hot tubs will be available to use in between the races to help them thaw.
All ten teams now entered and opening ‘Dalek’ ceremony planned.
It’s going to be a blast.