Queenie comes to Electric Avenue

Anyone strolling down Electric Avenue will have noticed a new addition to the streetscape – a mural of a regal young woman high up on Electric Lane. “Queenie” marks the launch of a new Channel 4 drama of the same name and based on the novel by Candice Carty-Williams – a young woman from South London. 

Opening on 4 June, and shown over 8 episodes, this is the story of Queenie as she navigates life, love and identity as a Jamaican British south Londoner in her mid-twenties. Against a background of the sights, sounds and music of Brixton, we share the trials and tribulations of a young Black woman as she deals with the ups and downs of relationships, friends, family, work and sex. Queenie is first and foremost a comedy, but some serious points are wrapped up in the humour and judging by initial audience reaction, it captures the authentic voice and experiences of young Black women in south London.

A modern interpretation of a royal portrait, the mural was designed by artist Kione Grandison who had read and enjoyed the book when it first came out in 2019 – seeing it as representing Caribbean life in the UK. And as a Jamaican woman living in London, Kione could instantly relate to Queenie’s world.

She created the image which was then converted into the mural by a team of  painters from Grand Visual working over a few days. The mural will remain on display for a month – while the series is broadcast – and posters will be distributed to salons across Brixton. 

Stuart Gittings and Reuben Dangoor of 4creative, the agency which developed the promotional campaign said: 

“The iconic character of Queenie was born south of the river, so we felt it was essential to collaborate with a South London talent to announce her arrival on Channel 4.”