Healthwatch Lambeth seeks local trustees

Healthwatch Lambeth wants to recruit local residents to join its board as trustees.

There is a focus on the organisation’s chair, and roles in finance and human resources.

Healthwatch Lambeth is the local healthcare champion, working to make sure residents’ health and social care needs heard, understood and met.

“To achieve this vision, we work to bring the voices and experiences of local people to bear in decision-making,” it says.

“Volunteering as a trustee is a flexible role and provides a great way to support health and social care in Lambeth.

“We are particularly interested in appointing trustees who reflect the diversity of our borough.

“If you have not been appointed to a board role before, we encourage you to apply and we will provide mentorship and training to ensure you can fulfil the role.”

To apply, send a CV and cover letter explaining your interest to