Squire and Partners Department Store Studios on Bellefields Road have just opened applications for the second year of their Studio Residency Award. This Award, which last year went to knitwear designer Coco Cripps and producer and filmmaker Gabriella Lafor, will again be awarded to two local creatives/ entrepreneurs looking for the support to start or grow their business or social initiative.

This award is open to all residents of Lambeth between the ages of 18 and 30 until the 22nd of July (more details on how to do this below). After getting an opportunity to meet last years winners and see the space and opportunities the Award provides I would recommend that anyone considering applying to do so. The application, which can be done either online or by hand is as easy as a single side of A4 paper and the winners will get much more than just a 12-month Residency in Squire and Partners beautiful central Brixton Studios. The two winners will also receive access to creative, wellbeing and skill sharing programmes at the Department Store Studios and mentors with experience in areas relating to their business to support their professional and personal growth. In addition, like all members of The Studios, the Residency Programme Award winners will get access to wifi and printing facilities, event spaces and screening room, meeting rooms, breakout spaces and even a fully stocked kitchen.
This excellent opportunity is one that should not be missed, so to all the local creative and entrepreneurs between 18 and 30: all application information can be found via this link https://thedepartmentstorestudios.com/files/TheStudiosResidency.pdf