After an appeal by local MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy, a housing association has extended its notice for property guardians to leave homes on the Clapham Park Estate.
The MP for Streatham described Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) as “heartless” for giving the guardians a month’s notice that covered the whole holiday period – turning it into a just few days’ notice.
The guardians in blocks set for demolition on the estate will now have until the first week of February to leave, instead of 7 January.
MTVH had employed the firm Global Guardians to provide live-in guardians for the blocks.
MTVH says it plans to start demolition work in the new year so it can build 520 new homes.
It originally gave guardians and their families in 94 properties 28-day eviction notices on 7 and 8 December.