What do Brockwell Park, Kew Gardens, Brixton’s Duke of Edinburgh pub, and Guyana have in common?
They are some of the places that the neighbours of photographer Anna Laura Festa have told her they will be going as soon as they can leave their homes again.
She is asking her neighbours – from a safe two metres – the question:
“Where is the first place you are going to go when you can leave your house?”
and photographing them as they answer.

“Uncertainty is a major cause of anxiety during this pandemic, especially as everything unfolds so fast,” she says.
“Tolerance of uncertainty erodes when we’re isolated and cut off from others.
“Reaching out to the community is the best way to maintain our mental health and it’s helping me to keep away these thoughts of uncertainty.”
You can see her images to date
on her website, where you will also find photo-essays on a Brixton Hill launderette and a South London Turkish community and portraits of South Londoners, among others.