The Trussell Trust, which runs foodbanks across the UK, has announced the number of people in need of food has hit over 1 million in the past year. Over 7,000 people were fed by Norwood and Brixton foodbank, including almost 3000 children in the 2014-15 financial year.
Problems with benefits was the most significant factor in causing people to visit a foodbank, but there was also an increase in those using them due to low income in the last year. In Brixton, 15% more people used the foodbank due to low income, significantly above the nation foodbank increase. The Norwood and Brixton Foodbank reported that people in work are increasingly struggling with precarious jobs, low wages and high living costs.
Jon Taylor, one of the branch managers of the Norwood and Brixton foodbank said: “the work our volunteers to do to help clients with their problems is outstanding, yet it is heart breaking when we see visitors on low incomes increasing by 15%. This is when you know something fundamental has to be done to facilitate change.”
Trussell Trust UK foodbank director Adrian Curtis said: “The Trussell Trust’s latest figures highlight how vital it is that we all work to prevent and relieve hunger in the UK. It’s crucial that we listen to the experiences of people using foodbanks to truly understand the nature of the problems they face”
To donate to the Norwood and Brixton foodbank and help them provide food to local people in crisis, please go to: http://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/donate
The Liberal Democrat and Conservative Parties locally must be so proud that their political masters at Westminster have forced the poorest in society to seek refuge from food banks. Both these parties deserve to be punished at the ballot box in 2 weeks time especially the Liberal Democrats as we know and expect the Conservatives to look after the rich and posh. Should Simon Hughes lose his seat in neighbouring Bermondsey and Old Southwark and he wonders why. He should read this article and it might give him a clue or two.