Brixton’s first Coder Dojo

Image from @CoderDojoBrix on Twitter
Image from @CoderDojoBrix on Twitter

The first south London Dojo will be coming to Brixton in January 2014.

Coder Dojo is a free mentor-led coding club to teach children aged 7-17 computer programming skills.

Once accustomed to the art of coding, they will be given the opportunity to commence a project and begin mentoring other children.

Coder Dojos seek to incorporate two philosophies :

1. Grandparent style encouragement. Total positive reinforcement.
2. Belts and Badges. This is a Dojo after all.

Parents are expected to accompany each young person attending Coder Dojo, with the aim of dispelling any barriers that the presence of a parent may solve, as well as giving parents the opportunity to learn some technology skills of their own.

There are online registration forms for parents and youngsters. They are also looking for input from any teachers who may provide any insight into associated activities in local schools that may help structure the content produced for youngsters at the club.

Anyone interested in attending should fill out an online survey at

People of any age / gender interested in joining the mentoring team should contact

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