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No 93 | APRIL 2023 Published monthly in and for Brixton ISSN 2397 852X
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Red strokes of the paint brush isolated on a white
Brixton Bugle and Blog Summer Art Show 2023 Entries close 15 May | A People’s Vote will decide the winner | See page 7
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Inside your free community paper COMMUNITY ART Connecting refugees 14 LAMBETH POET LAUREATE On optimism and connect...
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EXPERIENCE the 1981 UPRISING as you walk round BRIXTON
Brixton’s Windrush Square is to host a “creative intervention” marking the anniversary of the 1981 Uprisings in Brixt...
‘Giant shoebox’ in Windrush Square to hand out shoes and headphones so you can walk and listen to ‘tender, surprising...
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A Mile in My Shoes’ shipping container shoebox has popped up in parks and public squares in 15 countries across four ...
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