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Support the Brixton Bugle It costs £30,000 a year to publish the printed Brixton Bugle and online Brixton Blog. Both ...
No | MONTH YEAR Published monthly in and for Brixton ISSN 2397 852X
No 110 | March 2025 Published monthly in and for Brixton ISSN 2397 852X
Inside your free community paper XX Xx X XX Xx X  XX Xx X Xx Xx X
Inside your free community paper BOSOM BUDDIES Raising awareness of cancer 12 LOVE AND LYRICS Valentines at Brixton...
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Plans Submitted for Windrush Square Arts Bar Transformation A proposal to transform the disused public toilets in B...
tell them what you think
Anti social behaviour in Brixton
Campaigners against drug dealing and use, shoplifting, other crime and anti social behaviour (ASB) in Brixton’s stree...
made so agencies can be held accountable,” the organisation said. “We want to hear what you think about anti social b...
and community networks so we can get as many opinions as possible,” Action on ASB! said. Find the survey at tinyurl.c...
Action on ASB! meeting in St Matthew’s church last year
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