Rates of Covid-19 infection in Lambeth remain low but are rising slowly, the council said today (11 August) as it launched a new data “dashboard” for the public.
The council said the dashboard is a key step forward in giving all residents up-to-date information on Covid-19 infections in the borough and part of a “push for greater transparency and resident understanding of the progression of coronavirus”.
It said information will be updated three times a week and will be made available in local languages. All areas in the borough being monitored by the council’s public health team.
The dashboard shows that infection rates are slowly beginning to climb.
However, Lambeth’s infection rates remain low, when compared with other locations – both in London and across England.
Cllr Jim Dickson, cabinet member for health and social care, said: “We thank residents for their commitment and perseverance in the face of the ongoing pandemic.
“This unprecedented crisis has created huge challenges for us all, and it remains crucial that we remain committed and united if we are going to make further progress.
“I want to thank our colleagues in public health for the work they are doing, and urge residents to take this update on board as we continue our fight to tackle the virus, stay safe and minimise the risk of a second wave of infections.”
Ruth Hutt, Lambeth’s director of public health, said: “We are committed to providing important Covid-19 information so all our residents can access accurate, up to date, vital data about the virus in the borough.
“This dashboard will help residents stay informed so they can keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
“Cases are starting to rise in Lambeth – it’s crucial that residents are aware of what they must do to keep themselves, their families and friends safe.
“If anyone has Covid-19 symptoms (see below), it is essential that they self-isolate and get a Covid-19 test straight away, even if their symptoms appear to be mild.”
The local rise in COVID-19 cases suggests that residents are taking the right action and getting tested when they have Covid-19 symptoms. The number of new cases is still relatively low compared to other parts of the country, and there are very few local Covid-19 hospital admissions. There have been no Covid-19 deaths in the last two weeks in the borough.
The council said getting a test and self-isolating are among the best ways to help prevent the spread of the virus and keep Lambeth safe.
Any resident who needs support in getting a test, or how to effectively self-isolate, should call 0333 360 3700 or email mycommunity@ageuklambeth.org for advice.
“Together we can act now to stop the spread and keep our community safe and open,” the council said.
“Social distancing, handwashing/sanitising and use of face coverings remain the most important things you can do to protect yourself and others.
“Get a Covid-19 test straight away if you have symptoms of Covid-19, even if your symptoms are really mild.
The main symptoms are any of these:
- A high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- A new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you have any of these symptoms – call 111 if you need additional medical advice. Get a test to check if you have coronavirus and stay at home until you get your result.
Go online www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119 to get a test.
If you have difficulty accessing a COVID-19 test, or need other support, call 0333 360 3700 or email mycommunity@ageuklambeth.org.
The dashboard is part of Lambeth council’s outbreak and control plan and its commitment to keep residents informed about coronavirus.
It includes:
- The number of cases of Covid-19 in Lambeth since February 2020
- The number of cases within the last 14 days in Lambeth
- The Lambeth seven-day case rate (cases in the last seven days per 100,000 of the population)
- The total number of deaths due to Covid-19 since February 2020.
Data is monitored daily by local and London-level experts.

This is already available on the go.uk web site… https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/cases?areaType=ltla&areaName=Lambeth