Brixton Flower Watch: Daffodils

Welcome to Brixton Flower Club’s weekly flower spotting! Each month we choose one road or area in Brixton, provide you with a weekly post on something beautiful that we spot and tell you a bit more about it. March is Trelawn Road. Thank you to all the local gardeners who work so hard to add some colour and nature to Brixton’s streets. 


Location: Trelawn Road
Week 3: Narcissus
Common Name: Daffodil

There are heaps of daffodils flowering around Brixton at the moment and there are a few interesting varieties growing on this month’s flower watch plot – Trelawn Road. Daffodils are sometimes called the ‘flower of March’ and so it is no surprise they are included in this month’s pickings! There are over 25,000 varieties of daffodils but it is important not to neglect our native wild selection of the flower because some species are close to becoming endangered. While it can be tempting to favour the more flashy and bold daffodils on offer don’t forget to also leave room for the humble and traditional sorts. Wild daffodils (like the one pictured) tend to be smaller and paler and so nurture these carefully if there are any in your neck of the woods.

When your daffs have finished flowering try not to disrupt the bulbs as you should get a few years worth of flowers. If you choose to cut the flowers then don’t mix them in an arrangement with other flowers as the sap is harmful to other plants. In fact some florists suffer from a disease known as ‘daffodil itch’ – not me thankfully (yet!).

The Latin name is probably inspired by Narcissus who, according to Greek mythology, fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. The nodding head is said to represent Narcissus bending down and gazing at his own reflection.