Dogstar owners Antic apply to open fourth Brixton bar/restaurant

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Antic have submitted an application for a bar and restaurant at the back of the Bon Marché centre, Ferndale Road, with an entrance in Nursery Road. Picture from Google Streetview

The owners of the Dogstar pub, Antic London, have applied for planning permission to open another venue in the centre of Brixton, in the historic Bon Marché centre, in Ferndale Road.

The planning application, spotted by the Brixton Society last week, would see existing offices at the back of the Bon Marché centre, with a new entrance built on Nursery Road. The application was made by “Antic Ltd” and, according to the online application the neighbour consultation expiry date was January 1.

A design statement, for a venue called “Szaban in March”

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and submitted in December, says: “The amount of work proposed involves a series of physical changes to the layout as well as alterations to the Nursery Road façade in order to convert the space into a modern bar and restaurant venue.”

It continues: “The ground floor is to be used as the more informal bar area whilst the lower ground floor is proposed as the dining room for the restaurant which will serve a range of cold gastro-pub style foods.”

The news follows the report on Brixton Blog yesterday about two new Antic venues to open in early 2013.

To view the application in full, visit 12/04578/FUL.




  1. I really hope this doesn’t happen. The last thing Brixton needs is another pub for yuppies to come and get drunk in, smash bottles on the floor and vomit all over the streets. And if they change the facade the building will be ruined. We need more initiatives to promote better interaction and integration between Brixton’s old residents and the new hipsters that are moving in. There are enough pubs and enough rowdy drunkards on a Friday/Saturday night as it is. As a woman I certainly won’t feel happy walking by that pub at night but as it’s on my way home I will have to.

  2. I used to like Dogstar but the owners have spend about 15p on renovations over the years. It’s getting tired, shabby and mens the toilets are beyond vulgar. No toilet seats but wood bars bolted to metal. It takes the mickey as it’s not a cheap ‘dive’, they charge big money for drinks.

    I’d avoid if possible as they have little care for their customers. Oh, and their bouncers are epically neanderthal, not a nice way to start you night….

  3. Another generic Antic pub. What a bore. Good luck to them, the owner of the Bon Marche vowed to never allow another public house lease his premises. Thats way TKMaxx exists.

  4. Should be good if it offers something different. Agree with ‘me’ above that they should just buy Brady’s, at least then it wouldn’t sit empty or be turned into flats!

  5. I wonder if there will be a squat called rage against something or other or nothing that will occupy to prevent this from happening and leave a wasteland for people to dump their rubbish outside?

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